The lakes (Part 1)

Due to a slight technical hiccup with our internet connection at our new place… we’ve been sans web access.  I hope to share with you more snaps soon – but here is a little taster from our weekend.

We were up north for our dear friends’ (the new Mr & Mrs Murdoch!!) wedding (pics of that to come soon!)

1. The view from our “pod” – overlooking Lake Windermere

2. The contrasting mountain range

3. By the lakeside

4. A walk through the forest

5. And a yummy BBQ to end the day!


1. We moved this weekend – so kicked it off with some packing food…bye yummy local pizza place.

2. After the move (5.5hrs, 2 loads, 3 friends, 1 accident, 0 carpet cleaners later!!), it was party time, so we checked out the new hood…

3. Then off to a special ladies birthday party… Happy Birthday Tam!

4. Finished off with a tasty Malaysian dinner… (and too many Tigers)

5. It was a long day…

6. Oh and we met the neighbour…